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Кантина "Сокол Тысячелетия"

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Девчёнка потраила соло Ворлд Босса) Успешно. Она 38 лвл. Босс - 18.
Вобще при значительной разнице в уровнях - мобы становятся безобидны как овечки.



GetHigh написал(а):

Девчёнка потраила соло Ворлд Босса) Успешно. Она 38 лвл. Босс - 18.
Вобще при значительной разнице в уровнях - мобы становятся безобидны как овечки.

Посмотрел клип. WoW чистой воды, только в другой упаковке.



GetHigh написал(а):

мобы становятся безобидны как овечки.

Не сказал бы что 14 минутное убиение моба. может ему такое звание принести :rofl:
а так, прикольно, наверное на своем лвле там еще та жара происходит)))



Мороз написал(а):

Не сказал бы что 14 минутное убиение моба. может ему такое звание принести 
а так, прикольно, наверное на своем лвле там еще та жара происходит)))

Бежал я по Тарису через болото......... Как раз встретил аналог такого красавца для джедаев. Был я по моему 20 или 21 лвл. Ноги я не унёс)))))) Вобще как пишет народ - на своём уровне эти боссы валятся в основном зергом.



вспомнился Пи из ололодов, сколько на нем было фана и войн, конечно если бы он был не забагован до предела, было бы все проще, но он вносил очень интересные нотки в игру...
а там можно валить ВБ противников, есть ли там возможность устраивать замесы за этих боссов?



Мороз написал(а):

вспомнился Пи из ололодов, сколько на нем было фана и войн, конечно если бы он был не забагован до предела, было бы все проще, но он вносил очень интересные нотки в игру...
а там можно валить ВБ противников, есть ли там возможность устраивать замесы за этих боссов?

Межфракционные замесы - да. Внутрефракционные - без понятия.

Вобще классно бы было, впихни они Ворлд боссов во Free PvP зоны, где противниками считаются все кроме твоего рейда.

Если эта фишка будет в последующих дополнениях + реализация гильдфункционала на должном уровне - это будет вин.



GetHigh написал(а):

Вобще классно бы было, впихни они Ворлд боссов во Free PvP зоны, где противниками считаются все кроме твоего рейда.

Да отличная идея. Хоть это и не отменяет всяких договорняков, но все же делает процесс более что ли, натуральным)

Я сколотил маленький ситский отряд, теперь думаю куда же стопы направить. Хотелось бы поближе к нашим, но судя потому что пишут на гохе перевес империи чуть ли не трех кратный. Хватит ли на всех республики..



jeronimo написал(а):

Я сколотил маленький ситский отряд, теперь думаю куда же стопы направить. Хотелось бы поближе к нашим, но судя потому что пишут на гохе перевес империи чуть ли не трех кратный. Хватит ли на всех республики..

К релизу видно будет. Собственно предлагаю, кто первым зарегистрируется - отписать тут сервер. Чтобы не разбегаться.

P.S. Все таки интересно, закрывать регистрацию за ту или иную сторону Bioware будет? При переизбытке?



Специально для фэнов "Звездных войн" и просто для любителей хорошей музыки.)



GetHigh написал(а):

Собственно предлагаю, кто первым зарегистрируется - отписать тут сервер. Чтобы не разбегаться.

Согласен. Но главный критерий таков - что б не повторение Варсонга.



B@it написал(а):

Специально для фэнов "Звездных войн" и просто для любителей хорошей музыки.)

Фаны жгут:





Топ спидер:

Стоимость 1.5кк кредитов + 1кк за доступ в ВИП зону (бесплатно для обладателей Digital Deluxe Edition и Collector's Edition)



Список серверов(предварительный и , возможно, неполный):

————-EU English servers——————
Adari Vaal – PvE – English
Dorin Sky – PvE – English
Dreypa’s Oubliette – PvE – English
Exis Station – PvE – English
Flames of the Crucicle – PvE – English
Handmaidens of Atris – PvE – English
Kissai Caste – PvE – English
Lenico Gargantuan – PvE – English
Murakami Orchid – PvE – English
Rogue Moon – PvE – English
The Cinzia – PvE – English
Gnawer’s Roost – PvP – English
The Queen of Ranroon – PvP – English

Belgoth’s Beacon – PvE – East Coast
Bondar Crystal – PvE – East Coast
Canderous Ordo – PvE – East Coast
Corellian Run – PvE – East Coast
Cosmic Turbine – PvE – East Coast
Darth Bandon – PvE – East Coast
Dreshdae Cantina – PvE – East Coast
Drexl – PvE – East Coast
Firkrann Crystal – PvE – East Coast
Jung Ma – PvE – East Coast
Khoonda Militia – PvE – East Coast
Mind Trick – PvE – East Coast
Nigut Road – PvE – East Coast
Shadow Hand – PvE – East Coast
Sword of Ajunta Pall – PvE – East Coast
Sylvar – PvE – East Coast
Terentatek – PvE – East Coast
Uphrades – PvE – East Coast
Yoke of Seeming – PvE – East Coast
Darth Malak – PvP – East Coast
Infinity Gate – PvP – East Coast
Juyo – PvP – East Coast
Keetael – PvP – East Coast
Ki-Ta Kren – PvP – East Coast
Primus Goluud – PvP – East Coast
Prophecy of the Five – PvP – East Coast
Shii-Cho – PvP – East Coast
Sith Meditation Sphere – PvP – East Coast
Tarro Blood – PvP – East Coast
The Fatman – PvP – East Coast
The Shadowlands – PvP – East Coast
Vulkar Highway – PvP – East Coast

————-EU German servers——————
Atris – PvE – German
Exar Kun – PvE – German
G0-T0 – PvE – German
Lonna Vash – PvE – German
Odacer-Faustin Academy – PvE – German
Odan-Urr – PvE – German
Pius Dea – PvE – German
Shaltin Tunnels – PvE – German
Sluis Shipyards – PvE – German
The Moomo Williwaw – PvE – German
Trayus Academy – PvE – German
Starstorm One – PvP – German
T1-LB – PvP – German
Kaggath – PvP – German
————-EU French servers——————
Brianna – PvE – French
Cell of Imu – PvE – French
Gooluud Corridor – PvE – French
Jory – PvE – French
Ludo Kressh – PvE – French
Mira – PvE – French
Sith’ari – PvE – French
Yaru Korsin – PvE – French
Kellian Jarro – PvP – French
Bao-Dur – PvP – French


Несколько мелких фишек:

-- Alt-Z – прячет интерфейс
-- Если появляется иконка на портрете вашего компаньона – значит он хочет побеседовать с вами лично
-- Снимите галочку с Fullscreen exclusive если хотите играть в оконном режиме
-- Documents/Star Wars – The Old Republic – место, где хранятся ваши скриншоты, но если вы играете в оконном режиме – они будут просто черные.
-- Ctrl-shift-F – покажет ваш фпс – если зеленый цвет – то это ваша графическая карта ограничивает фпс, если красный, то CPU
-- Мешает мусор в инвентаре? /selljunk – отправляет вашего компаньона на продажу серых вещей из инвентаря.



Хммм, а где-же RP сервера?  :dontknow:



Aldair написал(а):

Хммм, а где-же RP сервера?

списки пока что не официальные. Вот например другой список на ДартХейтере

Ahto City - PVP (EU)
Anchorhead - PVP (East)
Basilisk Droid - PVP (EU)
Begeren Colony - RP-PVE (West)
Belgoth's Beacon - PVP (East)
Black Vulkars - PVP (West)
Bloodworthy - PVP (EU)
Bondar Crystal - PVP (East)
Canderous Ordo - PVE (East)
Cassus Fett - RP-PVE (EU)
Chuundar - PVP (EU)
Corellian Run - PVE
Dark Reaver - PVP
Darth Bandon - PVE (East)
Darth Revan's Mask - PVP (EU)
Darth Traya - PVP (EU-GR)
Davik's Estate - PVP (East)
Death Wind Corridor - PVP (East)
Daragon Trail - PVP (West)
Dreshdae Cantina - (East)
Frostclaw - PVE (EU)
Giradda the Hutt - PVE (East)
Grand Master Zym - PVE (East)
Iron Citadel - PVP
Jar'Kai Sword - PVP (EU-DE)
Jedi Covenant - PVE (East)
Juyo - PVE (East)
Legions of Lettow - PVP (EU)
Lord Adraas - PVE-RP (East)
Lord Praven - PVE (West)
Luka Sene - PVE (EU)
Kaas City - PVE (East)
Keller's Void - PVE (East)
Kessel Run - RP (EU)
Kinrath Spider - PVP
Krayt Dragon - PVE (East)
Hedarr Soongh - PVP (East)
Helm of Graush - PVP (East)
Hex Droid - PVP (EU)
Hidden Beks - PVE (EU)
Hrakert Rift - PVP (EU-FR)
Hydian Way - PVE (EU-EN)
Hyperspace Cannon - PVE (West)
Mandalore the Indomitable - PVP (West)
Mantle of the Force - PVE (EU-FR)
Mask of Nihilus - PVE (West)
Master Zhar Lestin - (West)
Mind Trick - PVE (East)
Nadd's Sarcophagus - PVP (West)
Naddist Rebels - PVP (East)
Nightmare Lands - PVE (EU)
Niman - PVP (EU-EN)
Peragus Mining Facility - PVE (EU)
Port Nowhere - PVP (East)
Prophecy of the Five - PVP (East)
Rakata Mind Prison - PVP (West)
Ravage - PVP (EU)
Rubat Crystal - RP (East)
Tarro Blood - PVE (East)
Terentatek - PVP (East)
The Crucible Pits - PVP (West)
The Ebon Hawk - RP (East)
The Fatman - PVP (East)
The Harbinger - PVE (West)
The Jedi Tower - (EU)
The Jekk'Jekk Tarr - PVE (West)
The Progenitor - RP-PVE (EU-EN)
The Ravager - PVP (EU)
The Red Eclipse - PVE (EU)
The Restoration Zone - PVP (EU-GR)
The Twin Spears - PVP (East)
The Shadowlands - PVE (East)
The Swiftsure - PVP (West)
Trask Ulgo - RP-PVE (EU)
T3M4 - PVE (EU-GR)
Saber of Exar Kun - PVP (East)
Sanctum of the Exalted - RP-PVE (East)
Scepter of Ragnos - PVP (EU)
Shadow Hand - PVE (East)
Shien - RP
Shii Cho - PVE (East)
Sith Meditation Sphere
Sith Triumvirate - PVE (EU)
Sith Wyrm - PVE (East)
Space Slug - PVE (West)
Star Map - PVP (EU-FR)
Supreme Commander Stantorrs - PVE (EU-GR)
Sword of Ajunta Pall - PVP (East)
Vanjervalis Chain - RP-PVE (EU-DE)
Veela - PVP (East)
Vornskr - PVE (West)
Vrook Lamar - RP (West)
Vulkar Highway - PVP
Warriors of the Shadow - PVP (West)
Wound in the Force - PVP (West)




Вот она, вся суть выбора сервера:


Aldair написал(а):

Хммм, а где-же RP сервера?

Пока непонятно. Будет официальный список - маякну.

Вроде вот:

The Progenitor

US RP-PvE East
Rubat Crystal
Sanctum Of The Exalted

Так что будут. Список само собой неточный.



Несколько новостей из twitter:

1) Ранний доступ стартует завтра в 4AM PST / 6AM CST / 7AM EST / 12PM GMT / 1PM CET/ 16-00 МСК. Письма с приглашениями будут разосланы примерно в это же время.
2) После этого момента, 16-00 мск и первой волны инвайтов, мы будем рассылать инвайты волнами, о чем будем сообщать в твиттере и через форум.
3) Не все получат доступ к концу этого дня. Мы очень строго отслеживаем когда именно вы погасили свой код пред-заказа.
4) В раннем доступе доступны все виды серверов (PvP, PvE, RP-PvE, RP-PvP). Так же, для гильдий доступны все сервера ( америка/европа), без ограничений.
5) Никакого приоритетного доступа для тех кто находится в гильдиях, помещенных в игру через программу гильдий. Только по времени гашения кода пред-заказа.
6) Не надо кричать на каждом доступном форуме ‘КОГДА МЕНЯ ПУСТЯТ!!!!!!’. Не все люди попадут в первый день. И не стоит по этому поводу устраивать лютый батхерт и “метания фекалий”.
7) Форумы станут доступны в 16-00 МСК для всех, кто купил и активировал пред-заказ. (upd from Redsonia: Для тех, кто получил 5 евро назад, это хороший шанс проверить свой преордер. Если в 16-00 мск вы сможете зайти на форум, то можете смело садиться верхом на Ф5).
8) Мы будем добавлять сервера, по мере прибытия игроков в игру. Так что список тех серверов не окончательный.
9) Он ничего не знает про доставку розничных копий игры, кроме того, что это все делается на высшем уровне.
10) Как комьюнити, вы самые сумасшедшие, самые страстные и преданные люди, с которыми он когда либо работал.



upd. Рассылка инвайтов пошла. По непроверенной информации - до пятницы все инвайты будут разосланы.



GetHigh, а кто кроме тебя еще будет в ЗВ играть?
И если таки откроют сервак на русском, вы туда планируете переходить?



kyle написал(а):

GetHigh, а кто кроме тебя еще будет в ЗВ играть?
И если таки откроют сервак на русском, вы туда планируете переходить?

Jeronimo, Urfin думает, IgorK - я пока не в курсе.

Насчёт русского сервера - наврятли, но в принципе по факту вариант рассмотрю.


P.S. https://twitter.com/SWTOR



тоже буду играть, преордер сделал в начале декабря, пока не пускает по понятным причинам



Aldair написал(а):

пока не пускает по понятным причинам

If you were not invited during today's invites, don't worry! We will continue to invite more people as Early Game Access continues.

Don't worry, there are still more invites coming today! We will announce when the next wave is sent.

Учитывая, что вроде любой преордер будет иметь "five days in stock", то надеюсь до завтра-послезавтра с декабрьскими управятся.

P.S. Пока же разбираются с июльскими - августовскими предзаказами.



http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=73255 - петиция за поддержку Кириллицы игрой)))

Вобще идеально было бы ввести кириллицу, но запретить её в генеральном чате до появления рус серверов.

P.S. Народ понял, что на сегодня УСЁ, допуск закончился и начали выливать тонны говен на Bioware  :D

Особо жгут в твиттере)))

P.P.S. Напалм, но весьма культурный:


Originally Posted by Kinegos
This isn't a troll, and isn't exactly QQ although there is some of that involved.

I just want to put it down for the record that the way this early access program has been implemented is truly one of the most poorly conceived ideas that I've ever personally encountered in over 25 years of playing video games. I've personally participated in launches of 6 other MMO games, and there is nothing in those experiences that compares to how ridiculous this process is.

When you are dealing with a pre-launch even that is only for pre-order customers, after an extensive and massive beta testing period that was a huge success according to nearly all sources involved - it begs the huge question as to what is the limiting factor in the way you have chosen to roll out this game. I personally participated in the beta in a very limited way (not by choice, mind you, I just wasn't lucky enough to get a key) and was only online during the big Thanksgiving weekend test. That test was wonderful - there were a huge number of servers, and a huge population of testers. The game performance was amazing.

So, EA/BW - what exactly are you afraid of?

The ONLY way this should have been done is to have given ALL pre-orders (perhaps separated only by level of game purchased - i.e. CE customers get 7 days, SE get 5, e.g.) access at exactly the same time. Of course it will overload the servers and queues would ensue and all that - but that's what we all expect. Making your customers wait unknowingly with no idea how long it will be or when to expect an email is just adding insult to injury. A poor alternative would have been to send out emails with a set time and day that your access would be available.

I read in the top post how you are monitoring the server performance and are rolling waves based on server performance. Are you seriously saying you have to wonder at this point if your servers can perform up to the task - when you probably still have 90% of the launch day players yet to even be able to play? That is not at all a good message to be sending at the beginning of an MMO franchise.



Мде, падаванам юным спокойней быть надо. Гнев, на сторону тёмную склонит их)




jeronimo написал(а):

Мде, падаванам юным спокойней быть надо. Гнев, на сторону тёмную склонит их)

Это точно)

Картинку кстати надо переделать влепив на последний кадр рвущего на голове волосы тинэйджера с криком "WTF!??? Where is my fucking access!?!?!?"


P.S. Ставшее уже классикой интернета:




Как правильно и корректно написать: "Мужики, вы реально охуели!" ^^ :

Originally Posted by ImOverPowered
Originally Posted by StephenReid
Hey everyone.
Hello Stephen Reid!

Originally Posted by StephenReid
We absolutely understand you want to get in and play the game early. It's one of the reasons we expanded our Early Game Access from a maximum of five days to a maximum of seven days. However, there are a couple of important points to realize about today's opening salvo of invites, and the procedure in general for Early Game Access and launch.
Thank you very much for this bit of information. It assures me that BioWare at least cares about customer relations. I personally do not blame BioWare for this fiasco, as it wreaks of EA tampering. So, let me being this post by saying that I respect BioWare and I love your product. No matter what happens, I will continue to wait and I will play this game for a long time to come. However, you must know how this feels for your customers; and that is the point of this thread.

Originally Posted by StephenReid
First, Early Game Access and launch is not supposed to be a stress test. In our previous Beta Testing Weekends we got up to very large concurrent number of players and brought invites into the game at a very high rate. That was done to stress test every aspect of our systems and servers, and essentially to see if they broke. In some cases, they did, but that helped us improve for launch.
You are absolutely correct in saying that Launch is not about stress testing. Early Access is a launch event as the majority of people who will play this game on December 20th have pre-ordered. As such, I believe that it is important to understand that since this is a launch event, the servers should have been prepared appropriately for a larger number of concurrent users; enough to provide for the demand. The hesitation to open the servers up to more players is a clear indication of lack of confidence, and that makes me nervous as well.

Originally Posted by StephenReid
For us, launch isn't just about stuffing our servers with as many people as possible. As anyone who's been through a large MMO launch can tell you, that experience can be painful. Our aim with this launch was to ramp things up gradually, to spread our player population out amongst a variety of servers, to maintain all server types, and to keep queuing to a minimum (although we expect that to happen as we head towards December 20th). So far, all that has been successful for us on Day One.
Again, you are correct Stephen; launch is not about stuffing your servers with as many people as possible. It is about making your product available to ALL of your customers. I have been through 7 different AAA MMORPG releases since 1995. I understand the pains and frustrations associated with launching an MMORPG. However, I can say with confidence that this is by far the most tortuous MMORPG launch I have ever been through.

As of this moment, 40 of my guild mates are in the game. They are leveling up and accomplishing quests. They will take down the world boss in Coruscant tonight, or early tomorrow morning; and I will not be able to join them in this. More than likely, I never will have enough guild members to take down that boss from now until SW:TOR closes its doors to customers. This has cost me a significant amount of potential enjoyment with your product because I won't be able to do it with my friends.

I understand that you may want to reward your players with early access; and I think that this is a great idea. However, the method in which you are doing this is creating the feeling of entitlement - and entitlement based treatment. You are more than welcome to reward us for making a commitment to your game; and all of us have made an equal commitment. However, you want to reward us, reward all of us, or none of us at all. Otherwise, you are going alienate your customer base.

Originally Posted by StephenReid
The second thing to realize is scale. We invited more people to play Star Wars: The Old Republic today than many other MMO launches manage in their entire head-start process. As I mentioned earlier today, when we opened pre-orders we had a huge spike in numbers - far more than most MMOs capture at launch. That was the initial rush. After that, our pre-orders settled down.
Stephen, I don't care about other MMORPG launches. I care about SW:TOR's launch, and creating an appropriate opportunity for the game's customers to gain access to the product. You had a metric to base demand off of since July. There is is no excuse for not being ready. As such - this entire paragraph is nothing more than a lame excuse, and your customers see right through that.

Originally Posted by StephenReid
What this means is that tomorrow, you'll effectively start to see the pre-order timeline expand. You'll see people who have pre-ordered later than July getting invites. The day after that, more people will be invited. We're actually planning to invite more tomorrow than today, and invite the same number again on Thursday - at which point we'll be into the original 'five days of Early Game Access'.
Stephen, this doesn't reassure your customers in the slightest. Getting invited tomorrow, or Thursday doesn't fix this problem. In fact, that is exactly what the problem is. This entire process has been deplorable to say the least; and holding the carrot on the stick in front of us tortuous to people who have pre-ordered months in advance, including myself.

Originally Posted by StephenReid
Last thing. Why aren't we continuing to send waves over time? Two main reasons - one, because we need to see that the servers are maintaining stability over time; adding a lot of players in a short period (in other words, stress testing) can cause stability issues.
But wait a second, you said that launch and early access is NOT a stress test. Why is it that you are intentionally stress testing during a Launch event? You have had over five months to prepare, and appropriately develop your servers to accommodate the obvious massive demand for this game. Once again, this reads like a very lame excuse, and you contradict yourself from the second paragraph.

Originally Posted by StephenReid
Two, our plan is to continue to add servers - but carefully, and in response to demand. We need to monitor that demand and role out servers accordingly. A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.
Two points on this paragraph. This event is not helping you balance your server populations. Over 90% of those who pre-ordered aren't able to access the game, and your server lists read as, "Full." I understand that the population limits on each server are limited to encourage load balancing, but this is doing nothing more than limiting population when all players are able to connect. You can achieve the same results by queuing players who are actively able to play.

This system has created an artificial queue, one that is not based on log in attempt time, but based on pre-order date. Instead of going through the frustration of waiting through a 1 - 2 hour queue, we must go through the frustration of going through a 1 - 3 day freeze on any and all access to the server. We are still in a queue, the largest and most deplorable queuing system ever deployed by any game in history. This isn't an exaggeration, its the truth.

Originally Posted by StephenReid
Our aim is for Star Wars: The Old Republic to be around for a long time to come. Today's just the first step in that - an early step, too - and we'll be running smoothly, with a stable population, before too long.
Stephen, at what cost is coming from this expense? To be honest, you are hurting your customers more with this scheme than a traditional MMORPG launch could ever hurt them. I believe that more people will quit because of this, than what would have happened if you decided to take a more traditional approach. You have taught your customers to distrust you, and to be nervous about server stability.

Your customers expect some hiccups during a massive launch. Your customers expect queues, and would prefer them to what we have now. With queues we have the hope of playing after waiting for 1 - 2 hours. Now, we have absolutely no hope whatsoever of getting into the game for at least another 16 hours.

This success that you mention may be nice for the players who are in now. But, for the majority of your customers, this success came at too great of a cost. Please reconsider your invitation process and make this right.

P.S. http://torlol.ru/uploads/91702e657395bae7e5c7d143e22d5282.jpg

И более адаптировано:

Greed is a lie, there is only Need
Through Need, I gain loot
Through loot, I gain stats




Хотел запостить ажиотаж бургов по поводу "акупации" ру гильдий некоторых пвп серверов. В постах мелькали фразы "Мы не хотим второго Варсонга" или "Мне плевать что меня назовут расистом", но глянув это видео в голове мелькнула анегдотическая фраза - "И эти люди запрещают мне ковыряться в носу?" И желание что писать отпало само собой. Впереди только игра, лучше не обращать внимание на всяких фриков.

GetHigh написал(а):

Greed is a lie, there is only Need
Through Need, I gain loot
Through loot, I gain stats



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